About Me

You would think that this would be the easiest section of my blog to fill out but it really isn’t.  I would much rather talk about crafting than myself.  I’ll start with a little known fact about me.  I still have every card that I have ever been given.  I mean every single one.  When I tell people that they seem quite surprised ( I am surprised to learn that not everyone saves theirs).  Obviously I felt the value of cards since childhood.  I remember we would turn the card over to see if it was Hallmark or not. 

Cards are little bundles of sunshine that are passed on from one to another…how could I possibly get rid of a piece of sunshine?  I love cards, I love giving them, I love how they make a person feel especially when they get a home-made with love card.  I love making them and the crafty process turning paper into a masterpiece of art!  Oh, I love receiving them too!  I also love paper.  I always have.  In the past (before I made cards) I would have stacks of scrap booking paper around (even though I do digital scrap booking) just because I love it so much.  I realize now that I may sound like a bit of a hoarder, but honestly it’s just with paper products.  I’m a Virgo and a very neat and tidy person.  I don’t have old newspapers stacked up around my apartment but I do have a separate shelf devoted solely for paper. I have been a crafty type person for as long as I can remember, I’ve made candles, pottery, sewing, beading,  and even went so far as to have made my own laundry soap.

Professionally, I am a self employed hair stylist and have been in the industry since 1997.    I really enjoy the creative side of my profession and (lucky me) I have fantastic clients who have become friends.  I love my career!  Best job in the whole world.  I have been self employed since 2005 and will be looking in the future to owning my own space. If you live in my area you may want to come get your hair done and we can chat about you, since you already know all about me from reading this page…lol.

Personally, I come from a loving, down to earth family. I couldn’t mention family without making a point to say how my friends are like my family too.  They pretty much are the best people in the whole world.   These non blood family members are a bunch of amazing people.  Friends surround you with love, happiness and are rock solid loyal and true.  Without friends and family, who would we give cards too?  They are the reason for my inspiration!

Now here I am, on this blog with the intention of giving inspiration, advice, and meeting like minded and crafty people all across Canada.  Well then…I guess it’s back to the craft desk for me.  I hope you enjoy my blog and hope to see you here often.

Below are a few pictures of my beautiful town of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada where I live.  I live in a newly built apartment complex, in an area called South Pandosy, where I am only about 4 minutes drive to the lake.  We get 4 full seasons here and the summers are very hot (Highs of 40 C/ 104 F)  with the winters being snowy (Lows -10 C/14 F) but temperately mild in comparison to some Canadian areas.  There are lots of wineries, vineyards, golf courses, and tourists!  Population of about 240,000.



